Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Swimming Lessons

Alexis and Jocelyn took swimming lessons this summer.  Jocelyn was in preschool.  Alexis was in level 1.

Alexis jumping off the diving board.

Jocelyn jumping to teacher.  She did get to jump off the diving board

Alexis swimming with noodle in a train.

Swim away!  Swim away!

2014 Baseball

Baseball season for 2014 is done!!  Sam and Josh played baseball.  Alexis played T-ball.

Sam had a great season.  He hit a lot of home runs including grand slams!!

Sam won the pitching contest.


Swing batter batter swing!!

Josh always knew where to throw the ball when playing defense.

Josh also knew how to have fun!!

Mark was coach.  Mike and "Toby Keith" were assistant coaches.

Sam's team took first place!!  Go Marshmallows!!